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Dr. Alicia Plemmons

Assistant Professor and Research Fellow

Alicia Plemmons is an Assistant Professor of Business in the Department of General Business at West Virginia University, Director of the Online/Hybrid Master of Business Administration Program, a Research Fellow of the Knee Center for the Study of Occupational Regulation, Resident Scholar of Data Driven West Virginia, and co-founder and leader of the Scope of Practice and Medical Licensure Research Group. Her research uses applied spatial and econometric methods to determine how policy changes affect labor markets by studying how to create environments that facilitate healthy economic growth and business development through research into the determinants of entry, operation, and exit decisions of firms, laborers, and consumers. Her research has been published in numerous academic journals, such as the British Journal of Industrial Relations, Health Economics, and Annals of Regional Science. Her work on medical licensure and certificate of need laws has been featured in several news outlets.