Dr. Darwyyn Deyo
Darwyyn Deyo is Director of Regulatory Frontiers with the Knee Regulatory Research Center, in which capacity she works on interdisciplinary research with other scholars and graduate students. She has published research on labor economics, health economics, and criminal justice in such journals as Economics Letters, Southern Economic Journal, the American Journal of Managed Care, and the Journal of Economics and Finance Education. She also speaks to legislators and other policymakers about the effects of regulatory policy. She has presented her work at the American Economic Association Meetings, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and other national meetings. Her work has also been highlighted by such organizations as the Federal Reserve of Cleveland, the Council of State Governments, and the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission.
Dr. Deyo is also an Associate Professor of Economics at San José State University where she teaches law and economics and labor economics to both undergraduate and graduate students. She also founded and serves as president for the Society for Economics and Representation Networking, and serves as president of the Occupational Regulation Group, an affiliate society.
She earned her Ph.D. in Economics and a Masters in Economics from George Mason University. She is an alum of Saint Mary’s College of California, where she earned a dual Bachelor of Science in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts in International Area Studies. Before beginning her doctorate, she also worked as an investigative journalist in Pennsylvania.